意大利品牌 GR10K 的建築包包 讓你的穿搭變得不一樣 (Italian GR10K in HK)

意大利品牌 GR10K 的建築包包 讓你的穿搭變得不一樣 (Italian GR10K in HK)

by Jimmy C

GR10K is an Italian brand that takes a blind attitude towards the current fashion situation. The brand specializes in "conceptual" items. Initially, when first exposed to the brand, there is no impression, but looking back, it is deeply attractive. To introduce an entry-level item from the brand, the iconic Tote Bag is the only option.

The Soil Sack is a fashion bag that is hard to understand. The bag is designed based on the shape of the building bag, which is usually used to collect debris on construction sites. After the brand's unique aesthetic design, the size and capacity can be adjusted to be used as a handbag. In addition, four long and two short drawstrings are added for users to carry in their hands or back on their shoulders. Moreover, the bag also has a strap closure to enhance privacy (waterproof material closure design, enhance functionality).

This product is a collaboration between GR10K and the emerging leather brand Turenere, which shapes the aesthetics of GR10K accessories.


GR10K 是一個以「概念性」主打的品牌,品牌對於當前的時尚情況採取一種盲目的蔑視態度。

最初,接觸這個意大利品牌時,第一印象是沒有印象,但回望的時候,竟然深深被它吸引。要推介一個入門級的品牌單品,別無他選地引入品牌標誌性的 Tote Bag 。

Soil Sack 是一個眾人難以理解的時尚包包。袋子是基於建築袋的形狀設計的,袋子「原型」通常用於建築工地以收集碎屑。經過品牌獨特美學設計,調整了大小容量以致能夠將其用作手提袋。另外,增設4長2短的抽繩,供使用者可提在手中或將包背在肩上。再者,包包亦有束帶封口,提升私隱度(防水物料的封口設計,提升功能性)。

此產品是 GR10K 與新興的皮革品牌 Turenere 合作推出的款式,這種合作塑造了 GR10K 配飾的美學。


GR10K Cordura® Soil Sack (White) - HKD1,499

GR10K KLOPMAN Kruel Soil Sack (Convoy Grey) - HKD1,599